As we head into some of the hottest months of the year it is essential to remember the importance of office cleaning. The warmer summer months often result in more humidity, dirt and dust infiltrating the office.
Office Cleaning in Summer
We have put together some office cleaning tips to make your cleaning efficient and hassle free.
Carpet Cleaning
In a recent survey it was found that carpets can hold up to 1 kilogram of dirt per square metre. Regular vacuuming keeps carpets looking clean, but it is advisable to get your office carpets cleaned professionally every few months. Summer is a perfect time to have your carpets professionally cleaned as the warm weather helps the carpets to dry faster. Therefore minimal disruption to your business day is experienced.
Window Cleaning
Summer time in South Africa brings with it thunderstorms, particularly in Johannesburg. This frequent afternoon rain results in dirty windows and keeping your office windows clean can be difficult, particularly for high rise offices. Hiring a professional window cleaning service company will keep your office windows looking sparkling and clean. The window cleaning company will clean both the inside and outside of your office windows and has the equipment, knowledge and skills to clean effectively and safely.
Blinds and Curtains
Blinds and curtains in the office are often forgotten about when conducting regular cleaning. The truth is that both blinds and curtains can trap dust and other dirt and have a negative impact on the work environment. It is imperative that you have your blinds and curtains cleaned on a regular basis. Removing curtains and blinds can be a particularly dirty task and is best left up to the professionals.
Air Conditioner Cleaning
Office air conditioners work overtime in summer keeping you cool and productive at work. To keep your work space cool you should make sure that your air conditioner is serviced and cleaned by a qualified air conditioning company.
Desk Cleaning
Pollen, dust and other allergens settle easily on flat surfaces and cause issues like hay fever. To eliminate this, ensure that you frequently wipe your desk and other surfaces with cleaning disinfectant. Keeping your office desk de-cluttered will also help to add to the clean office environment.
The warmer months are a haven for insects and bugs and no matter how effective your office cleaning routine is some of these bugs just keep coming back. The quieter December holidays, with most offices closing or working with skeleton staff, pose a perfect time to fumigate your office. Office fumigation can be extremely effective in eliminating unwanted bugs and pests, like cockroaches, ants and flies.
The BMC Group have been offering effective office cleaning services for over 20 years. Contact us today for more information.